Finding Your Purpose
For some reason finding my purpose has always been extremely difficult. For the last few years, I have been too scared to actually do what I want to do. I was always trying to find the perfect thing to do. I realized that for me it doesn't matter what I do. If I am creating and really enthusiastic about what I am doing, then I am having a blast.
It took me a long time to figure out that it's a lot more simple than you think. It's not about what you do, it's about how you're doing it!!!
My entire life I never thought I would be writing a blog post, but here I am doing just that. My entire life I thought that I would never want to learn anything about being healthy, but again I am doing exactly that. I thought I would never start reading books. I never thought I would be meditating or even working out as seriously as I do.
Turns out that it's all about how you do something. If you bring joy and lightness into what you do, you start to flow with it. You automatically enjoy it. I realized that it's the same thing with finding your purpose. Your purpose doesn't mean what job you are working in. It's about how you are doing things in life.
Your purpose is about living as your most authentic self. Your purpose is to be real... To do whatever you want because you want to. Your purpose is being on the planet just to be here and be free to do anything.
So many people have gotten sucked into their day to day lives, re-living the same day over and over again. I want you to wake up and see that we all have a limited amount of time on this Earth, in fact, we don't have time at all. At any moment your life could crumble, you could die at any moment. Is it not a miracle that you have made it this far in life?
I am not saying this to depress you... I am only saying this to point to the fact that we are all impermanent. We all end up with the same faith. Your purpose, while you are on Earth, is literally to do anything you want. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you have to do a certain thing for the rest of your life.
Once you deeply realize how short life is you will wake up and see how beautiful it all is. Who cares if someone cut you off? Does it really matter if you got made fun of? In the end, all you are in control of is yourself.
Stop wasting energy on things that are not making you better or happier.
If you want something in your life, go up and get it. If you are having trouble finding your purpose, just remember that you have two levels of purpose.
You have an outer purpose and an inner purpose.
Your outer purpose can be anything you want. You have freedom of choice.
Your inner purpose is to live as your true nature every moment of your life. Your inner purpose is to give all your attention to the step that you are taking now and surrendering to where you are, who you are, and what you are doing.
So just take the time to look inside for your purpose because, in the end, it doesn't really matter what you end up doing. It's all about how you do it.
Start doing things with love and joy. Be grateful for the things you can do. Usually, when you start living in this way, your outer purpose will develop rapidly. This is really the key to finding your purpose in life. It is to do everything as if it is your main purpose. Everything!
Brush your teeth as if it was what you were put on Earth for.
This will rapidly deepen and transform your life. By doing this you become grateful for being alive, and your energy levels shoot up!
Do everything with a purpose. Move consciously. Breath consciously. Eat as if it was your last meal. Enjoy the pleasures of life. Soon you will realize that your outer purpose has entered your life!
It's pretty crazy how well this works, too.
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