How to Live to Your Fullest

The secrets you’ll learn from waking up.

Many people run around never really knowing why they are doing something and why life feels like it has no meaning. They tell themselves that one day it will all work out and be glorious as soon as they finish this or that.

The truth is that while you are busy doing something as a means to an end, you are missing the most essential part of life; this moment.

It is impossible to fully enjoy life and feel the beauty that life is when you think that one day it will be better. That one day it will all work out when you have enough money, success or the right people in your life.

This is a delusion.

Although it may happen, it is still a thought that is misleading you and actually causing you a lot more harm than good. Let me explain.

When you have a thought about the future, whether that thought is seeing the future as better or worse, you’re missing what is right in front of you.

Why do you think people on their deaths beds wish they did things differently?

Because when you are about to die, you realize that the future is only in the mind, and when you die you realize that only the body and mind die. The true you never dies. Look upon this now.

When someone says that they wished they this or that before they pass away, it means that they were living for the future and never really looked inside to see what they should do.

Missing the present moment is really the biggest regret that you will probably have on your death bed. Not enjoying every moment you have alive, every breath, and every visual aspect to the fullest is the regret someone might experience.

Now, I’m not saying go travel the world and do a bunch of crazy stuff. Although you can do that and I think that’s awesome. Realistically, you have responsibilities as most people do.

So what you can do is start to be present. When you are present you will realize that you are living to your fullest. In fact, only when you are present, can you feel what life is.

Don’t do everything as a means to an end.

Your goals are always in the future, however, you should learn to bring your awareness into the action and into the one-step you are doing now.

Feel what it feels like to be doing what you are doing, be aware of your breathing, listen to the sounds, see what everything looks like. Feel the textures, look at objects, feel the empty space around you.

Doing this aligns you with the power of life. When you are fully aware, awake, and in the now, you begin to fully experience the power and meaning of life.

Instead of chasing the meaning of life and always asking what the meaning of life is, you allow it to flow into you through the gate of the present moment.

When you make the now the primary focus of your life you are no longer looking to the past for who you are, and are no longer looking to the future for fulfillment.

The now is where life is.

Photo by Vincent Guth on Unsplash

Do you enjoy what you are doing? Or are you just doing it to get it over with?

A good example is one of a fisherman. If the fisherman is always casting and needing to catch a fish, most likely it will be a struggle and not enjoyable.

This doesn’t mean that he should stop fishing if he is not enjoying it, but rather change how he is fishing.

If he brings a stillness and presence into the fishing, he allows the joy within himself to flow out into the action.

In this way, fishing is no longer a struggle.

Fishing becomes a meditation in itself when you’re bringing awareness to what you are doing and not focusing totally on the goal.

By doing this, the fisherman ends up satisfied whether he catches a fish or not and will enjoy the entire experience to the fullest.

This doesn’t mean that he will stop trying.

Who do you think would be able to fish longer? The person who is frustrated, impatient, and needy? Or the one who is casting calmly, focused, and enthusiastic without having the end goal in mind?

This applies to everything you do.

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