How to Still The Mind

Quieting the mind is something that everyone should learn how to do. It will help you to find who you truly are and then your life will dramatically change because of it. Quieting the mind is very simple. There are many ways to do it and I will go over a few in this article. 

A Quiet Mind In A Chaotic World

Everyone is always doing. No one ever has time for being anymore. We are human beings, but most people forget about the “being” part. Without the “being” in human being, we fall into a pattern of feeling lost and alienated from everyone else. The “being” part is how we connect with ourselves and others.

To have a still mind takes awareness, focus, and practice. It is something that is totally achievable. A still mind is the most beautiful thing that you will ever experience. What is it? It’s the experience of nothingness. Yes. Nothing.

When your mind is still you experience the bliss of being. You experience space itself. You recognize the beauty of life.

How to Still the Mind

The mind has many tricks up its sleeve to keep you stuck in thinking and in suffering. It will tell you that this thought is important, you have to do this now, you don’t have time to do nothing.

These are only some of the tricks that the mind will use. As your awareness grows you will notice all the minds tricks.

To still the mind you have to be still. It is like a cycle. When you are still the mind will be still and when the mind is still you will be still. Therefore we just have to find an entryway into this cycle of stillness.

The first and easiest way to do this is to take a conscious breath. This means to put all of your awareness onto your breath. By doing this you take your awareness off the thinking mind and put it into the body. This is taking away energy and momentum from the minds ever spinning cycle of thoughts and worries.

These conscious breaths will do far more than just change your mental activity. It will, in fact, shift your entire being into a new frequency to attract new people and circumstances.

Try conscious breathing throughout your day as often as you can. If you have to, set reminders. They will help grow the frequency that you do these breaths. Eventually, it will become natural and you won’t have to be reminded.

Another Way to Still the Mind

When you become familiar with stilling the mind through conscious breathing you can also do this practice. This practice takes even more awareness and focus.

Try bringing your awareness into this moment. It is called your presence. Do it now. Be aware of all the sensations in your body. Be aware of the sounds around you. Be aware of what you are seeing. Stop reading for a second and look around. Pick something up and feel the texture of it.

Immerse yourself in this moment fully. Once you realize that the now is all you ever have true transformation will enter your life automatically. You don’t have to do anything. Just be.

The now is your home. Everything you ever did was in the now, everything that you will ever do happens in the now. Past and future are only projections of the mind and we are trying to still the mind.

The Beauty of A Still Mind

I want to leave you with this to give you a bit of motivation to actually try this. When you truly experience a still mind you will notice that you have been stuck in this cycle of thoughts for a long time. Maybe your whole life. Don’t be worried. This means you are awakening and you will be able to disidentify with your mind.

You will be able to feel like a child again and fall in love with everything you experience. A still mind is the key to living in bliss. When your mind is still you will be relaxed and peaceful. When you are this relaxed the body rewards you with dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Endorphins, yes!

Endorphins are in your body for a reason and when you attain this still mind it releases a bunch of them. You will feel high. Why do you think gurus always look stoned? Because they have all these endorphins running through their system at all times.


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